Annandale Cask #1593

Hello everyone, hope we’re doing well!

I see on the Annandale page the bottling date is currently pegged for Aug 2024 - do we have an estimated date in August for this or is it not confirmed yet?

Thanks in advance

I’ll ask Victoria at the distillery for an update

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Hi there

Take it there’s still no update yet? Just curious is all :slight_smile:

Ill get on to them about bottling. Chris has moved to Lancaster Spirits so our point of contact has changed. I will get on it!

Did you get anywhere with this? I can put you in contact with head of Wood if you want

I have emailed them and copied you in. Hopefully we will get a quick response.

Did you get any news on this?

My first try at this… What’s happening? Can I just go to the distillery and claim the bottle I’m owed? Or is ‘Still in Cask’ literally still in cask never to be bottled and I’ve been scammed!?
Had no contact at all from the still in cask team or the distillery.